Stories We Tell -綴り-

Growing in Their Own Way

Written by Yukari Matsumoto | July 10, 2022

Hi there.

Tanabata (star festival) is over, and summer is now in full swing. It’s been extremely hot and humid every day. The occasional breezes are somewhat warm and not very cool, which is what you experience in summer in Japan. The wind in this season is called shirahae (White southern wind). I’m wondering if “white wind” describes the dazzling summer sunlight. Anyway, it is a beautiful word.


Shooting Day

I visited a garden that we created this year to take pictures. When the garden was first created, plants had not yet sprouted. So, we agreed to take pictures when the garden was lush with greenery, and finally, the day arrived. This time too, we asked Mr.Ogasawara to shoot. We waited a long time for the right moment by observing the clouds and the sun.

Tree shadows on the path create a nice atmosphere. The lawn is soft, green, and fresh. The spring flowers finished blooming, and the summer flowers started blooming. One of the best things about having a garden is that I can see the changing of the seasons through plants.

I always tidy and sweep a garden before shooting. But since the owner has been taking good care of his garden, there were almost no weeds. So, I only swept it quickly, and just watched the garden during the shooting. The day we shot was cool after the rain, and there was a moment when the wind blew off. As clouds moved faster, the shade moved quickly. We needed to be patient to capture the best moment.

We created a green space right next to the window so that the owner can enjoy the view from inside the house. Even when they are inside of the house, the view from the window, such as swaying trees in the wind and tree shadows on the wind brings comfort to them.

Since the owner maintains plants and waters them on a daily basis, the plants are growing well and looking vibrant. Ideally, the whole garden space should come together as one without hard pruning or any more additions. I’m very happy that the garden is growing healthy with the owner. I hope we can continue to support them to enjoy the garden for a long time to come.