Stories We Tell -綴り-

The Rainy Season is Over

Written by Yukari Matsumoto | July 03, 2022

Hi there.

Over the weekend, I heard the news that the rainy season would end. It said it was the earliest end of the rainy season in history. Please take care of yourself against a heat stroke. Trees and undergrowth in your garden will be dehydrated, so please be sure to water them carefully in the morning and evening. Plants need water to live just like humans. If you feel that plants get thirsty, then it’s time to water them.


Photographing a Garden After Completion

We took photos of a garden that was completed in early spring. Last spring, deciduous trees had not yet sprouted, so we had to wait until now to shoot. Since the client water them every day, plants are growing well. Also, the client has been trying to make the space better. For example, they made kakehi (bamboo fountain) on their own. Now, we can even hear the murmur of water in their garden. We are so happy that they grow the garden by themselves to enjoy everyday life.

The photographer was Mr. Ogasawara, from studio Sakura. Thank you very much for your help in the hot weather. It’s not easy to photograph in hard sunlight, but he waited patiently for the right moment, like when the wind died down, to capture it.

Under the blazing sun, he kept waiting to capture the beautiful moment of the garden. Even after watering, plants dried out in an instant, so I was always on standby with a hose on hand. Even without watering, the garden and lawn looked so beautiful. The client told us that they enjoyed looking at the garden while drinking in the evening.

The garden amuses us with different expressions from each angle. The irises and water lilies the client had planted were in bloom, adding color to the garden. We were so happy to see the garden grow and excited to nurture it together with the client.

The garden gets a lot of sunshine, so it must be hard to keep plants hydrated after the rainy season. Even so, if they keep taking care of plants, like watering them daily, plants will grow well. 

Anyway, it’s very hot and humid outside, so please take good care of yourself when gardening outside.