Stories We Tell -綴り-

Mochi Tsuki Event

Written by Yukari Matsumoto | January 09, 2022

Hi, there.

Did you do Hatsumode (the first shrine or temple visit of the new year) yet? I visited a shrine dedicated to the god of performing arts with my sister. Creating a garden might not be performing arts, but I wished to improve my skills. We both drew Omikuji (a paper slip that tells your fortune) and got “Daikichi” (the best of luck). I feel like I used up all my luck by getting “Daikichi,” so I will work harder and not be satisfied with a “Daikichi” result.


Year-End Mochi Tsuki Event 2021

2022 has just begun and we have no news to blog about, so I will share our annual Mochi-tsuki (rice cake pounding) event with you. Click here to see how it went last year→

Our last year’s Mochitsuki event was held with a larger family than usual. Our new staff members, as well as those who always support us, came to visit our event.

The staff, who have joined the event for many years, rolled the rice cakes with their practiced hands and made one freshly pounded round rice cake after another. Some ate one for the first time and were impressed by its taste. Also, a rice cake with your favorite seasoning and Tonjiru (warm pork and vegetable miso-soup) is exceptionally delicious!

It was a nice year-end to have the Mochitsuki event. I will do my best to make this year a warm and happy one!